Support Stand Production in Kaminski Quality

The use of support stands has become diverse. They can be used both in intermodal and combined transport. The main difference between the two types of transport is that combined transport involves a multitude of different carriers. Combined transport can be applied in both freight and passenger transportation.

Intermodal transport, on the other hand, refers to the transportation of goods in a single loading unit, where two or more modes of transport may be involved. There is no handling of the transported goods, but a change of the loading unit does occur. Thus, intermodal transport between road and rail offers the possibility to connect these two transport routes. Ideally, the goal is for intermodal transport to combine the strengths of various carriers. This way, the strengths of both modes are highlighted and disadvantages are skillfully circumvented.

Refurbishment of Support Stands in Hameln

We see ourselves as a service provider that acts customer-oriented. Especially in the areas of maintenance and spare parts management, one of our intended premises is to meet the individual needs for corresponding services. As a consequence of the above-described diverse applications and the resulting increased demand for operational support stands, we have decided to establish a production hall in the area of support stand refurbishment. This enables us to guarantee our existing and future customers the quality that distinguishes Kaminski and for which Kaminski is known among experts, through the refurbishment of support stands in our own hall in Hameln.

To achieve this goal of qualitative refurbishment, initial measures were successfully initiated by establishing and intensifying the already existing contact with the manufacturer of the support stands, “MAZ-Maschinenbau Anlagenbau Zuschnitte GmbH” from Mühlhausen. Our employees were able to expand their competencies in the field of support stand refurbishment in a training course specially created for this purpose by the manufacturer. Furthermore, the material required for maintenance and refurbishment is obtained directly from the manufacturer. The first result of these measures is an audit by the manufacturer and our customers. We are proud to announce that Kaminski has started refurbishing support stands of type 80800 since January 2, 2023.


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