Franz Kaminski Waggonbau GmbH Introduces State-of-the-Art NDT Technology

By implementing the Wheel Set Scan System (WS3), a semi-automatic wheelset inspection system based on ultrasonic phased array technology, future wheelset inspections will become more efficient, and defect detection capability will be further enhanced.

The application of the WS3 in rail transport offers various advantages.

Thus, it can …

  • … increase both efficiency and productivity by significantly reducing the inspection times of wheelsets compared to conventional methods.
  • … continuously monitor all probes through coupling control. Before each inspection, the probe emits ultrasound to the opposite area of the wheel rim or axle. This results in a quantitative assessment of the probe condition during each inspection process and enables monitoring of the material quality of the axle and wheel rim.
  • … enhance the Probability of Detection (POD) using highly precise ultrasonic phased array technology (PAUT). This advanced ultrasonic testing method uses electronic control of phase elements, allowing precise focusing and steering of ultrasonic waves. Additionally, a thin, defined water gap is maintained between the probe and the component surface—this prevents signal fluctuations during probe movement, enables more reliable testing through improved signal quality, and provides a better signal-to-noise ratio. The result: improved defect detection and faster inspection of wheelsets.
  • … ensure complete and precise localization of inspection data. This is based on software-supported pre-processing and post-processing. For example, optimal incidence angles and probe positions are determined during inspection preparation. In post-processing, data evaluation is carried out on a PC in various display formats.
  • … ultimately simplify the reporting process by automating it.

The continuous development of the system will undoubtedly lead to even more efficient and reliable inspection of wheelsets, with far-reaching effects on the safety and performance of rail transport.


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